VB 51 – Efeito Lampião

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VB no Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/show/5hhZ0QPO82fXYGJedyRRrJ

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Epis Citados (links Spotify)

VB 50 – Bodas de Ouro

VB 45 – Economia Comportamental

VBMais 37 – Atenção 

VBMais 26 – Infidelidade

VB 26 – Livre Arbítrio

VB 40 – Hábitos


The Real Problem With Hypocrisy – artigo, The New York Times

The Science of Hypocrisy – artigo, Medium

Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator – vídeo, TEDTalks

Why Do Complex Systems Thrive on Trial And Error? – podcast, TedRadio Hour

Why don’t we take our own advice? – artigo, The Guardian

Why We Give Great Advice To Others But Can’t Take it Ourselves – artigo, Forbes

Why do so many people give up on their dreams? – Quora

Why don’t we follow our own advice? – Quora

3 thoughts on “VB 51 – Efeito Lampião

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